The Ministry Team



We are seeking a new Team Rector - an advertisement will be on Pathways and the diocesan website from Tuesday 7 May.

Reverend John Cruse

Team Vicar

John has been Team Vicar since 2018, but is due to retire later this year. An advertisement for this post will be on Pathways and the Diocesan website from Tuesday 7 May.


Reverend Maggie Swayze
Assistant Team Priest

Maggie was Reader in the Parish of Diss for 33 years, then in 2011 she was ordained as a Local Ordained Minister, after studying with Norwich Diocesan Ministry Course. She serves as a priest alongside her colleagues with particular responsibility for Pastoral matters.


Ms. Janice Cruse
Licensed Lay Minister

Janice has been a licenced Lay Reader since 1982 and since moving here in 2018 she combines this ministry with being a member of the choir at St. Mary’s, Diss.


Dr Sue Drake
Licensed Lay Minister

Sue was licensed as a Lay Reader in 2007, and has been part of the local worshipping community since 1987. She sees the role as a privilege - being both a member of the congregation and part of the Ministry Team.

Angela Hannant

Angela joined the Team at the beginning of April ‘24 and works in the team office located at St Mary’s Church, Diss.


Jennie Vere
Authorised Worship Assistant

Jennie has been part of the Worship team at North Lopham since the 1980s, and was commissioned as a Authorised Worship Assistant in the Diss Team in 2016. She plays the organ in several of our churches, and for occasional services in other churches along the Waveney Valley.


Jane Marchant
Authorised Worship Assistant

Jane is part of the team at Winfarthing, helping with Home Team worship and taking the monthly ‘Village Church’ service. Originally from Sussex, she moved to Norfolk in 1991 via Edinburgh and Hertfordshire. Jane also represents Winfarthingand Shelfanger PCCs on the Governing Board for The Saints Federation of Schools.